Thursday, October 22, 2015

 Sonac street and Mrs Ngeng Junction Bamenda

In today's post I am going to be talking about Sonac Street Bamenda and Mrs Ngeng Junction. If you have been to Bamenda before the you should know Sonac Street and its crafts and furniture shops. 

Mrs Ngeng Junction is very important in its connections to two major departments of Mezam division. ie Bamenda I and Bamenda II..Mrs Ngeng junction was known for its bad road situation but the situation has been regularised and the road is very good with no potholes..


  1. Great to see updated pictures of Bamenda. The city looks great and everything seems to be moving in the right direction. Thanks for sharing Mr Lunga R.

  2. Progressive was my high School so I use to know my way around these parts. Cool pictures


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